In this episode of "Right About Now," host Ryan Alford, along with Independent Center President Lura Forcum explore the evolving concept of the American Dream. They discuss how younger generations prioritize experiences, social connections, and personal fulfillment over traditional markers like homeownership. Listen on Spotify now!
Listen NowThat’s why we support common sense solutions and politicians who will work together, across the aisle. If you agree with us, you’re not alone. The majority of Americans today identify as independent. But our voices are not being heard.
At the Independent Center, we research, advocate, and actively engage independents to ensure our voices are heard in Washington, D.C. Join our movement today to show our leaders that independent-voting Americans matter.
Our leadership as the world’s largest economy and most vibrant democracy has benefitted Americans throughout history. Our military strength must be grown to ensure our ambitions and dreams are possible. The economy and our citizens' well-being, more than ever, are interdependent on our depth and breadth of allies and international partners. The American Dream resonates throughout the world, so we need to work to achieve the ideals of this dream and continue to empower humankind. Therefore, our own institutions and government must be an example to others.
Get InvolvedGrowth and abundance are the key to raising the quality of our lives and our standard of living. By growing, we drive innovation and deliver more opportunities to Americans to follow their dreams and achieve their goals. We must encourage competition and individual ambition to build on our many advantages and address where we need to modernize. Growing productivity, job opportunities, and entrepreneurialism provides all of us the resources to live well and afford the services we require as a nation.
Get InvolvedCivic responsibility is key to rebuilding strong and resilient communities, and our country. We all need to do our part and engage as individuals. Safe vibrant communities, volunteerism, and philanthropy must be unshackled rather than replaced by a distant, impersonal government bureaucracy. Our social tolerance, religious freedom, and cultural diversity are some of our greatest advantages.
Get InvolvedHuman dignity describes our core needs to be healthy, educated, and safe as individuals, families, and communities. This is only possible through aligning growth, civic responsibilities, and effective government. Our future depends on a healthy population and a healthy environment where we can all thrive and grow.
Get InvolvedBy "effective government," we mean that government needs to be smaller and more focused—fit for purpose. We need to escape from the ever-growing, overburdened, and overreaching government we experience today. We must address our debilitating debt and deficit through a brave reimagining of the role of our government programs. We need a holistic modernization to reset the role of government in our society so it can be successful and enhance a more dynamic economy and civic life. It is time to reestablish trust in our institutions.
Get InvolvedWe're building a movement of independent-thinkers. Join us to make our voices heard in Washington!